A general glossary on genetics, genomics and bioinformatics terms, not only terms on the Southgreen website
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Click one of the letters above to advance the page to terms beginning with that letter.
- 1000 Genomes Project search for term
- Ab initio gene finder search for term
- Ab initio transcriptome assembly search for term
- Accession search for term
- Accession number (GenBank) search for term
- Accession number (RefSeq) search for term
- Accuracy search for term
- Adaptation search for term
- Additive genetic effects search for term
- Adjacent valid colour search for term
- Admixture search for term
- Advanced backcross quantitative trait locus (AB-QTL) analysis search for term
- AL2CO search for term
- Algorithm search for term
- Alignment search for term
- All-alpha search for term
- All-beta search for term
- Allele mining search for term
- Allele search for term
- Allogeneic search for term
- Allopolyploidy search for term
- alpha helix search for term
- AlpheusTM search for term
- Alternative splicing search for term
- Amino acid search for term
- Annotation search for term
- Antagonistic pleiotropy search for term
- Antisense search for term
- Apollo search for term
- Approximate bayesian computation (ABC) search for term
- Archaeopteryx search for term
- Array (of hairpins) search for term
- Array comparative genomic hybridization (Array CGH). search for term
- Arrayed library search for term
- Artemis search for term
- Ascertainment bias search for term
- Assembly search for term
- Association mapping search for term
- Association study search for term
- Atlas-SNP search for term
- Automated Sanger Sequencing search for term
- Autopolyploidy search for term
- AutoSNP search for term
- BAC-by-BAC strategy (also known as hierarchical shotgun sequencing or a clone-by-clone shotgun strategy) search for term
- Backcross lines search for term
- Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) search for term
- Balanced gene drive model search for term
- Balancing selection search for term
- BAM format search for term
- Barrel search for term
- Base pair (bp) search for term
- Bayes factor search for term
- Bayesian inference search for term
- Bayes formula search for term
- BEAMing search for term
- Beta-sheet search for term
- Bias in gene retention search for term
- Bioinformatics search for term
- Bits scores search for term
- BLAST programs search for term
- BLAST++ search for term
- BLAST2GO search for term
- BLASTclust search for term
- BLAST search for term
- BLAT search for term
- BLITZ search for term
- BLOCKS search for term
- BLOSUM search for term
- Bootstrap search for term
- Borrow strength search for term
- Breeding-program variation search for term
- Bundle search for term
- Burrows Wheeler transform (BWT). search for term
- BWA search for term
- Cap analysis of gene Expression (CAGE) search for term
- CAP3 search for term
- Capillary array search for term
- Centimorgan (cM) search for term
- Centromere search for term
- Chado search for term
- Chimera (pl. chimaera) search for term
- ChIP-on-chip search for term
- ChloroP search for term
- Chromatin immunoprecipitation search for term
- Chromosomal deletion search for term
- Chromosomal inversion search for term
- Chromosome painting search for term
- Chromosome region p search for term
- Chromosome region q search for term
- Chromosome segment substitution line (CSSL) search for term
- Chromosome search for term
- CLCbio Genomics Workbench search for term
- Clique-based clustering search for term
- Clique search for term
- Cloud computing search for term
- CLUSTAL search for term
- Clustering search for term
- CMap search for term
- Co-orthologs search for term
- Co-sexual flowers search for term
- Coalescence search for term
- Coalescent approach search for term
- Coalescent theory search for term
- Codon adaptation index (CAI) search for term
- Collinearity search for term
- Colour space search for term
- Community genomics search for term
- Comparative gene finder search for term
- Comparative Genomics (CoGe) search for term
- Comparative methods search for term
- Complementary DNA (cDNA) search for term
- Complementary sequence search for term
- Completeness search for term
- Complex traits search for term
- Conditional distribution search for term
- Conditional random field (CRF) search for term
- Consensus reads search for term
- Consensus sequence search for term
- Conservation search for term
- Conserved gene retention idea search for term
- Conserved sequence search for term
- Constrained sequences search for term
- Contig map search for term
- Contiguity search for term
- Contig search for term
- Convergence search for term
- Core collection search for term
- Core reference set search for term
- Correlated errors search for term
- Cross_match search for term
- Cufflinks search for term
- Cultivar search for term
- Cutadapt search for term
- Cytoplasmic factor search for term
- Cytoplasmic sex-ratio Distorter search for term
- Dark nucleotides or probes search for term
- Data warehouse search for term
- Database Management System search for term
- Database Schema search for term
- Database search for term
- dbSNP search for term
- de Bruijn graph search for term
- De novo assembly search for term
- De novo transcriptome assembly search for term
- Deleterious search for term
- Deletion map search for term
- Deletion search for term
- Dephasing search for term
- Directed acyclic graph (DAG) search for term
- Directed evolution search for term
- Directed mutagenesis search for term
- Directed sequencing search for term
- Directional selection search for term
- Discretization search for term
- Dispersion search for term
- Disruptive selection search for term
- Distinct population segment search for term
- Distributed annotation system (DAS) search for term
- Diversity array technology (DArT) markers search for term
- DNA transposition search for term
- DNA-array feature search for term
- DNase I hypersensitivity site footprinting search for term
- DNAsp search for term
- Domain shuffling search for term
- Domain search for term
- Dot plot search for term
- Draft DNA sequence search for term
- Dual affine Smith-Watermann alignment (DASW) search for term
- Duplication mode II. Tetraploidy search for term
- Duplication mode III. Chromosome segment duplication search for term
- Duplication mode IV. Single gene transposition-duplication search for term
- Duplication mode I. Local (tandem) duplication search for term
- DUST search for term
- Dynamic programming search for term
- E value search for term
- EagleView search for term
- EBI search for term
- Edit distance search for term
- Effective population size (Ne) search for term
- Effective recombination rate search for term
- Elston-Stewart algorithm search for term
- EM algorithm search for term
- EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database search for term
- Empirical Bayes procedure search for term
- Emulsion picolitre droplet PCR search for term
- Entrez search for term
- Epigenetics search for term
- Epistasis search for term
- Epistatic miniarray profiles search for term
- Eudicots search for term
- Eugene search for term
- Eukaryote search for term
- EULER search for term
- Eulerian path method search for term
- Evolutionarily significant unit search for term
- Evolutionary anticipation (lookahead effect) search for term
- Evolutionary domains search for term
- Evolutionary drift search for term
- Evolutionary stable strategy theory search for term
- Exome Project search for term
- Exome search for term
- Exon search for term
- Exonerate search for term
- Exonic splice enhancer search for term
- Experimental evolution search for term
- Expressed sequence tag (EST) search for term
- Family-based association tests search for term
- FASTA search for term
- FASTA format search for term
- FastME search for term
- FASTQ search for term
- Fay and Wu statistics search for term
- FGeneSH search for term
- Filtering search for term
- Fingerprinting search for term
- Finished grade (finished genome) search for term
- Fitness landscape search for term
- Fitness seascape search for term
- Fixation index (FST) search for term
- Flow cytometry search for term
- Flow karyotyping search for term
- Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) search for term
- Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) search for term
- Formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements followed by sequencing (FAIREseq.) search for term
- Forward genetics search for term
- Fosmid end sequence library search for term
- Fractionation search for term
- Frameshift search for term
- Frequentist inference search for term
- FST (Wrights fixation index) search for term
- Fu and Li's test search for term
- Functional genomics search for term
- Gain-of-function model (neofunctionalization model) search for term
- Galaxy search for term
- Gametic disequilibrium search for term
- Gap search for term
- GATK search for term
- GBlocks search for term
- GBrowse (generic genome browser) search for term
- GC-rich area search for term
- GenBank search for term
- Gene conversion search for term
- Gene family search for term
- Gene fusion search for term
- Gene mapping search for term
- Gene pool search for term
- Gene prediction search for term
- Gene product search for term
- Gene space search for term
- Gene wiki search for term
- Generalized Hidden Markov Model (GHMM) search for term
- Genetic drift (allelic drift) search for term
- Genetic hitchhikking search for term
- Genetic ideotype search for term
- Genetic map search for term
- Genetic rescue search for term
- Genome browser search for term
- Genome resequencing search for term
- Genome threader search for term
- Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) search for term
- Genomic imprinting search for term
- Genomic library search for term
- Genomic selection (GS) search for term
- Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) search for term
- GENSCAN search for term
- Germplasm search for term
- GEvo search for term
- GFF (General Feature Format) search for term
- GI (Genbank) search for term
- Global Alignment search for term
- GMAP search for term
- GNPannot search for term
- GO (Gene Ontology) search for term
- Gramene search for term
- Graph theory search for term
- Greedily assembling search for term
- Greedy algorithm search for term
- GTF (Gene Transfer Format) search for term
- Hamming distance search for term
- Haplotype block search for term
- Haplotype search for term
- Hardy Weinberg ratio search for term
- Hashing search for term
- Hcluster_sg-based search for term
- Heritability search for term
- Heterosis (or hybrid vigor) search for term
- Heuristic search for term
- Hidden Markov Model (HMM) search for term
- Hierarchical bayesian model search for term
- High performance computing (HPC) search for term
- High-throughput sequencing search for term
- Highly conserved sequence search for term
- Highly expressed gene retention idea search for term
- Histones search for term
- HITS-CLIP search for term
- HKA (Hudson, Kreitman, and Agaude) test search for term
- HMMER search for term
- Homeobox search for term
- Homeologous search for term
- Homoeolog search for term
- Homoeologous chromosomes search for term
- Homologous chromosome search for term
- Homologous recombination search for term
- Homologous recombination search for term
- Homologs search for term
- Homology modeling search for term
- Homology search for term
- Homolog search for term
- Homozygosity mapping search for term
- HSP (High-scoring segment pair) search for term
- Hybridization search for term
- Identical-by-descent lines search for term
- Identity-by-descent search for term
- Identity-by-state search for term
- Identity search for term
- Illegitimate recombination (IR) search for term
- Imputation search for term
- In-paralogs search for term
- Inbreeding coefficient search for term
- Inbreeding depression search for term
- Incidental findings search for term
- Inparalogs (symparalogs) search for term
- Interval estimate search for term
- Intrachromatide homologous recombination search for term
- Introgression lines (ILs) search for term
- Intron search for term
- Isochore search for term
- JIGSAW search for term
- JMP1 Genomics search for term
- Joint probability distribution search for term
- k-mer frequency search for term
- KASPar search for term
- Kin selection search for term
- Knowledge modeling search for term
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm search for term
- K search for term
- L1 element search for term
- Lambda search for term
- Lander-Green-Krugylak algorithm search for term
- Landrace search for term
- Landscape genomics search for term
- LD mapping search for term
- Libraries of mutant DNA polymerases search for term
- Ligase chain reaction search for term
- Likelihood ratio test search for term
- Likelihood ratio search for term
- Likelihoods search for term
- Linkage analysis search for term
- Linkage disequilibrium (LD) search for term
- Locus heterogeneity search for term
- Lod score (Base 10 logarithm of the odds or log-odds) search for term
- Long non-protein-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) search for term
- Low Complexity Region (LCR) search for term
- Low-complexity reads search for term
- MAFFT search for term
- Management unit search for term
- MAP search for term
- Map-based cloning (MBC) search for term
- MAQ search for term
- Marginal likelihood search for term
- Marker-assisted selection (MAS) search for term
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) search for term
- Markov chain search for term
- Markov Model search for term
- masking search for term
- Massively parallel signature sequencing search for term
- Mate-pair templates search for term
- Maximal segment pair (MSP) search for term
- Maximum Likelihood inference (ML) search for term
- Maximum likelihood search for term
- McDonalds & Kreitman test (MKT) search for term
- MeDIP seq search for term
- Metagenomics search for term
- Metapopulation search for term
- Method of moments search for term
- MethylCseq ( bisulphiteconversion followed by sequencing =BSseq) search for term
- Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm search for term
- MicroRNAs (miRNAs) search for term
- Microsatellite search for term
- Minimal gene set for cellular life search for term
- Minor allele frequency (MAF) search for term
- MIRA search for term
- MISA (Microsatellite search module) search for term
- MKDOM2 search for term
- Mobile elements search for term
- Model selection search for term
- Modeller search for term
- Modern synthesis search for term
- Molecular breeding search for term
- Molecular clock search for term
- Molecular marker search for term
- Monocots search for term
- Monte Carlo (MC) integration search for term
- MOSAIK search for term
- Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA) search for term
- Motif search for term
- Multilocus genotypes search for term
- Multiple Alignment search for term
- Multiple Sequence Alignment search for term
- MUSCLE search for term
- MySQL search for term
- n-gram search for term
- N50 size search for term
- Nano-channel flow cells search for term
- Nanoslits search for term
- NCBI search for term
- NCGR search for term
- Near-isogenic lines search for term
- Nearest neighbor interchange (NNI) search for term
- Nearly neutral theory search for term
- Needleman-Wunsch algorithm search for term
- Negative selection search for term
- Neighbor joining (NJ) search for term
- Neofunctionalization search for term
- Neopolyploids, paleopolyploids search for term
- Nested association mapping (NAM) search for term
- Neutral locus search for term
- Neutral sequence network search for term
- Neutral theory search for term
- Neutral sequences search for term
- New gene search for term
- Newbler search for term
- Newick tree format search for term
- Next generation sequencing (NGS) search for term
- NextGENeTM search for term
- Nexus search for term
- Non identifiable [parameters] search for term
- Non-orthologous gene Displacement search for term
- Non-synonymous substitutions search for term
- Nonredundant protein sets search for term
- Nuclear run-on search for term
- Nucleotide diversity search for term
- Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) search for term
- Ohnolog search for term
- Oligonucleotide search for term
- One-base-encoded probe search for term
- One-to-one orthologs search for term
- Open reading frame (ORF) search for term
- Operating System (OS) search for term
- Optical mapping search for term
- Optimal Alignment search for term
- Optimality theory search for term
- Orthologs search for term
- OrthoMCL search for term
- OTU (Operational taxonomic units) search for term
- Out-paralogs search for term
- Outbreeding depression search for term
- Outlier locus search for term
- Outparalogs (alloparalogs) search for term
- Overlap graph method search for term
- P value search for term
- Padlock-probe amplification search for term
- Paired-end protocol search for term
- Paired-end reads search for term
- Pairwise alignment search for term
- Palaeogenomics search for term
- Palaeohistory search for term
- Paleotetraploidy search for term
- PAM (Point Accepted Mutation) search for term
- PanGEA search for term
- Parallel computing search for term
- Paralogous search for term
- Paralogs search for term
- Parametric bootstrapping search for term
- Parametric tests search for term
- Parental gene search for term
- Parsing search for term
- Pathogenicity islands search for term
- PDB (Protein Data Bank) search for term
- Penalized likelihood methods search for term
- Penetrance search for term
- Perl search for term
- Permutation test search for term
- Pfam search for term
- Phrap search for term
- Phred search for term
- PHYLIP search for term
- Phylogenetic distances search for term
- Phylogenetic scope search for term
- Phylogenetic tree search for term
- Phylogenetics search for term
- PhyloHMM search for term
- PhyloXML search for term
- PhyML search for term
- Physical map search for term
- Phytozome search for term
- PICARDtools search for term
- PileUP format search for term
- PIR format search for term
- Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) search for term
- Pleiotropic search for term
- Pleiotropy search for term
- Point estimate search for term
- Poisson distribution search for term
- Polonator search for term
- Polony search for term
- PolyBayes search for term
- PolyPhred search for term
- Polyploidy search for term
- Polytomy search for term
- Population bottleneck search for term
- Position specific scoring matrix (PSSM) search for term
- Positional cloning search for term
- Positive selection search for term
- Posterior distribution search for term
- Posterior probability search for term
- Primer dimer search for term
- Primer3 search for term
- Primer search for term
- Prior probability search for term
- Prior [distribution] search for term
- Private search for term
- Probabilistic model search for term
- Processed pseudogenes search for term
- Profile Hidden Markov Model (ProfileHMM) search for term
- Profile search for term
- Programming langage search for term
- Progressive methods search for term
- Promiscuous domain search for term
- Promoter-associated short RNAs (PASRs) search for term
- Promoter search for term
- PROSITE search for term
- Prot4EST search for term
- Protein ID (Genbank) search for term
- Protein search for term
- Pseudogene search for term
- Pseudoorthologs search for term
- Pseudoparalogs search for term
- PSI-BLAST search for term
- PSSM search for term
- Purging search for term
- Purifying selection (Also known as negative or stabilizing selection) search for term
- Purine search for term
- Pyrimidine search for term
- Python search for term
- Quality scores search for term
- Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) search for term
- Quantitative trait locus (QTL) search for term
- Query search for term
- RACE search for term
- Random field search for term
- Random variable search for term
- RAP-Green search for term
- Raw Score search for term
- Reciprocal translocation search for term
- Recombinant inbred lines (RILs). search for term
- Reduced representation bisulphite sequencing search for term
- Reduced-complexity genomic representation search for term
- Reference genome sequences search for term
- RefSeq search for term
- Regular expressions search for term
- Repeatfinder search for term
- Repeatmasker search for term
- Resource Description Framework (RDF) search for term
- Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) search for term
- Retrocopy search for term
- Retrogene search for term
- Retroposition search for term
- Retropseudogene search for term
- RMAP search for term
- RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). search for term
- RNA-seq search for term
- Robustness search for term
- Sample indexing search for term
- SAMtools search for term
- SAM search for term
- Sanger sequencing technology (also known as dideoxy sequencing or chain termination method) search for term
- Scaffold search for term
- Scoring Function (also cost function or weight function) search for term
- SDI search for term
- Seed Alignment search for term
- Seed-and-extend aligners search for term
- Segmental uniparental disomy search for term
- SEG search for term
- Selection coefficient search for term
- Selection for process buffering idea search for term
- Selective sweep search for term
- Seq-based methods search for term
- SeqMan genome analyzer search for term
- SeqMap search for term
- Sequence assembly search for term
- Sequence capture search for term
- Sequence retrieval system (SRS) search for term
- Sequence trace file search for term
- Sequence trimming search for term
- Sequencing depth search for term
- SHARCGS search for term
- Short read fragment assembly algorithms search for term
- Shortest path problem search for term
- Shotgun method search for term
- Signal sensing search for term
- SignalIP search for term
- Similarity measure (also similarity function or similarity score) search for term
- Similarity search for term
- Simulated annealing (SA) search for term
- Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) search for term
- Single-base extension search for term
- Single-nucleotide variant search for term
- Sliding window averaging search for term
- Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) search for term
- Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) search for term
- Smith Waterman Algorithm search for term
- SNiplay search for term
- SNP microarrays search for term
- SNP redundancy score search for term
- SNPsniffer search for term
- SOAP search for term
- Soft ancestry calls search for term
- Solid-phase reversible immobilization (SPRI). search for term
- Splice site search for term
- Splice-aware aligner search for term
- SpliceMachine search for term
- SQL search for term
- ssahaSNP search for term
- SSR or Simple sequence repeat search for term
- SSRIT search for term
- SSRprimer search for term
- Stabilizing selection search for term
- Statistical inference search for term
- Structural genomics search for term
- Structural variant (SV) search for term
- STRUCTURE search for term
- Subcellular adaptation search for term
- Subfunctionalization search for term
- Subfunctionalization model search for term
- Substitution Matrix search for term
- Substitution search for term
- Subtree pruning and regrafting (SPR) search for term
- Suffix tree search for term
- Super-orthologs search for term
- Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SBI) search for term
- SWISS-PROT search for term
- Syngeneic search for term
- SynMap search for term
- Synonymous mutation search for term
- Synonymous substitution search for term
- Synteny search for term
- Synteny genome browsers (web-based) search for term
- Synthetic polyploids search for term
- Tag SNP, tagging SNP search for term
- Tajima's D search for term
- Tandem repeat sequences search for term
- Template search for term
- Thorne-Kishino-Felsenstein model (TKF) search for term
- Threading search for term
- TIGR search for term
- TILLING (and EcoTILLING) search for term
- Toolbox model of evolution search for term
- Total internal reflection fluorescence search for term
- Training population search for term
- Trans-specific polymorphisms (TSPs) search for term
- Trans-spliced genes search for term
- Transcription initiation RNAs (tiRNAs) search for term
- Transfer RNA (tRNA) search for term
- Transitive homology search for term
- Transposed element (TE) search for term
- Traversing search for term
- Trellis search for term
- TrEMBL search for term
- TribeMCL search for term
- Trinity search for term
- Triploid bridge model of polyploid origin search for term
- Two-base-encoded probe search for term
- Two-hybrid search for term
- Type I and type II errors search for term
- Type IIS restriction enzyme search for term
- Uclust search for term
- Ultra-conserved elements search for term
- Ultra-paralogs search for term
- Ultraconserved elements search for term
- Uniparental disomy search for term
- Universal PCR search for term
- Unix search for term
- UPGMA search for term
- Variant call format (VCF) search for term
- Variant resolution search for term
- VARSCAN search for term
- VCAKE search for term
- Velvet search for term
- Venn diagram search for term
- Vital rates search for term
- Viterbi algorithm search for term
- WCD search for term
- Whole-genome duplication (WGD) search for term
- Whole-genome representation search for term
- Whole-genome shotgun (WGS) strategy search for term
- Xenologous gene displacement search for term
- Xenologs search for term
- XML search for term
- Zero-mode waveguide detectors search for term
- Zinc-finger protein search for term
- Zoom search for term