AL2CO search for term

AL2CO is a program to calculate the conservation index of protein using different methods. If set to true, the results of all 9 methods will be output: 1. unweighted entropy measure 2. Henikoff entropy measure 3. independent count entropy measure 4. unweighted variance measure 5. Henikoff variance measure 6. independent count variance measure 7. unweighted matrix-based sum-of-pairs measure 8. Henikoff matrix-based sum-of-pairs measure 9. independent count matrix-based sum-of-pairs measure; Recommended value for motif analysis: 3. The value should be more than 0 and no more than 1. Conservation indices are calculated only for positions with gap fraction less than the specified value. Otherwise, conservation indices will be set to M-S, where M is the mean conservation value and S is the standard deviation. ( )