Next generation sequencing (NGS)

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sequencing technologies based on massive parallel sequencing as opposed to the Sanger sequencing technology. Most NGS technologies eliminate the need for the bacterial cloning used in Sanger sequencing and rely instead on the amplification of single isolated DNA molecules and their analysis in amassively parallel way. Hundreds of thousands, or even tens of millions, of single-stranded DNA molecules are immobilized on a solid surface,‘such as a glass slide or on beads, depending on the platform used. To date, the commercially available NGS platforms that are generally used for plant genome sequencing are Roche/454 FLX (, the Illumina/Solexa Genome Analyser ( and the Applied Biosystems SOLiD TM System ( (Feuillet 2011)
Highly parallelized DNA-sequencing technologies that produce many hundreds of thousands or millions of short reads (25–-500 bp) for a low cost and in a short time. (Bamshad 2011)