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OryGenesDB is a database developed for rice reverse genetics. OryGenesDB contains FSTs (flanking sequence tags) of various mutagens and functional genomics data collected from both international insertion collections and the literature.
Insertion mutants of rice genes are catalogued by Flanking Sequence Tag (FST) information that can be readily accessed by this database.
Gaëtan Droc Funding:
Genoplante, EU (Cereal Gene Tags)
Droc G, Périn C, Fromentin S, Larmande P. OryGenesDB 2008 update: database interoperability for functional genomics of rice. Nucleic Acids Research. 2009;37(Database i):D992-5 - D992-5. Abstract
Droc G, Ruiz M, Larmande P, Pereira A, Piffanelli P, Morel J-, et al. OryGenesDB: a database for rice reverse genetics. Nucleic Acids Research. 2006;34(Database i):D736-40 - D736-40. Abstract