BioSemantic webapp


BioSemantic webapp is the Web application for the BioSemantic API. This Web application allows the automatic deployment of Semantic Web Services.


The web application can be downloaded here


This Web application must be deployed in the webapp directory of Tomcat 6.0.


Annotated RDF views must be stored in the WEB-INF\repository directory of the Web application. These RDF views will be used to create SPARQL queries and then to automatically deploy Semantic Web Services.

The index Web page is avaivable at the URL: http://servername:8080/BioSemantic_webapp/ServiceCreator


1. Select input and output ontological concepts

2. Select the mapping files you would like to use for semantic Web Service creation. One Web Service will be created for each selected mapping file.

3. The semantic Web Service is automatically deployed. You can now show the automatically generated WSDL file. It is also possible to query the Web Service using the URL: http://servername:8080/BioSemantic_webapp/NameOfYourService/method?input=YourInput


An already annotated RDF View, named mapping_file_test.N3, is stored into the repository. It is possible to create Semantic Web Services using this file.

The available input/output annotations for this mapping file are:

    this annotation corresponds to the column name of the table study
    this annotation corresponds to the column name of the table germplasm
    this annotation corresponds to the column name of the table marker

Possible queries:

input 1. and output 2: return all germplasms used for a selected study (ex input value: MINI_GB_ISOZYMES)

input 2. and output 1. return all studies using a selected germplasm (ex: 63-104)

input 1. and output 3. return all markers used for a selected study (ex: SYNTHETIC_MAP1)

input 3 and output 1. return all studies using a selected marker (ex: A12376)

No data can be retrieved combining the 2 other annotations (2 an 3, 3 and 2) because of the database schema.

Future work

 We plan to add a Web page for automatic creation of RDF View. The created RDF view will be manually annotated before being used for Semantic Web Service creation.