BioSemantic API
The BioSemantic API contains all the classes needed for:
- automatic creation of the RDF view
- parsing the RDF view
- shortest path detection
- automatic creation of the SPARQL query
How to use it
The Biosemantic API can be used alone for query creation or it can be used with the BioSemantic webapp for automatic creation of Semantic Web Services.
The main elements of the API are:
- the constructor: com.wscreation.d2rqmappingfile.CreateMappingFile.CreateMappingFile(D2rqParamaters parameters)
This constructor use a D2rqParameters object in order to create an RDF view.
Afterwards, this RDF view has to be annotated with bio-ontological concepts in order to create SPARQL queries, and then Semantic Web Services.
- the method: com.wscreation.createrequest.CreateRequest.getRequestPath()
This method creates a Vector<String> object. Each element of its vector corresponds to one line of the query.
Before using this method a new CreateRequest object must be created using the constructor:
CreateRequest cr=new CreateRequest(mappingPath,pathTree, input, output,inputR,outputR,path)
An example can be seen at: com.wscreation.main.FindOnePathMain
the JavaDoc is avalaible here
binary download: BioSemantic_api.jar
download Java project: BioSemantic_api.rar