Genome Hub

Sugarcane Genome Hub

The Sugarcane Genome Hub is an integrated web-based database providing centralized access to the sugarcane reference genome sequences and genomic resources. Data currently available is the monoploid reference genome sequence obtained from R570 cultivar. This web portal is built using open-source Tripal database infrastructure. It is developed by CIRAD and supported by the South Green Bioinformatics platform.

The Sugarcane Genome Hub is an integrated web-based database providing centralized access to the sugarcane reference genome sequences and genomic resources.
Gaëtan Droc

Grass Genome Hub

An Information System for comparative and functional genomics dedicated to Grasses species

Rice Genome Hub

The Rice Genome Hub is an integrative genome information system that allows centralized access to genomics and genetics data, and analytical tools to facilitate translational and applied research in rice. The hub is built using the Content Management System Drupal with the Tripal module that interacts with the Chado database. The Hub interface provides several functionalities (Blast, DotPlots, Gene Search, JBrowse, Primer Blaster, Primer Designer) to make it easy for querying, visualizing and downloading research data.

an integrative genome information system that allows centralized access to genomics and genetics data
Manuel Ruiz, Gaëtan Droc

Cassava Genome Hub

the integrated portal for cassava
Manuel Ruiz, Alexis Dereeper

Agropolis Fondation (Twin post-doc)

Coffee Genome Hub

The Coffee Genome Hub is an integrated web-based database providing centralized access to coffee community genomics, genetics and breeding data and analysis tools to facilitate basic, translational and applied research in coffee.

the integrated portal for coffee

The research was funded by the French National Research Agency, Australian Research Council, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, CNR-ENEA Agrifood Project of Italy, Funding Authority for Studies and Projects (FINEP) of Brazil, National Institutes of Science and Technology (INCT) of Brazil, the U.S. National Science Foundation and the College of Arts and Science, University at Buffalo.

Cocoa Genome Hub

Access the cocoa Criollo Genome Version 2 with 99% of the genes anchored to the 10 chromosomes

a Web portal for crossing cocoa phenotypic, genetic and genomic data from ICGD and TropGeneDB databases
Gaëtan Droc

Banana Genome Hub

The Banana Genome Hub centralises databases of genetic and genomic data for the musa acuminata crop Hub developed by Cirad and Bioversity and supported by the South Green Bioinformatics platform. Data available are the complete genome sequence along with gene structure, gene product information, metabolism, gene families, transcriptomics (ESTs, RNA-Seq), genetic markers (SSR, DArT, SNPs) and genetic maps.

the integrated crop portal for Musa


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